Dermot Mulroney on 'Tossing the Salad' for His New Show

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Actor Dermot Mulroney says that he and Rachael have something specific in common – they both “toss the salad” on their TV shows.

Dermot plays a surgeon in CBS’ new medical drama “Pure Genius” and he says, “When we’re doing surgery, a lot of times you’re just talking and the camera’s [on your face] so you’re just kind of [moving your hands].” Like… tossing salad!

In “Pure Genius,” Dermot works in a high tech hospital built by a Silicon Valley billionaire, and explains, “What we get to do on the show is focus on where technology and medicine meet and what’s happening next.”

Offscreen, Dermot has a “second job,” performing in an orchestra recording film scores (including the one for the upcoming film “Los Alamos”). He plays cello and piano, and his three kids are also musically inclined, playing piano, harp and cello. He says he got bitten by the acting bug at the same time he discovered his love of music: “I started both in the same summer in Virginia, I think it was 1970. I took the music camp in the morning and had a neighborhood playhouse in the afternoon. And I’m still doing both things today, that many years later.”

So, he plays a doctor on TV, but does Dermot have real-life surgical chops? Find out when Rachael puts his skills to the test in a real-life version of the board game Operation. Watch below:

Watch What Happens When TV Surgeon Dermot Mulroney Plays ‘Operation’

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