9 Years After Her First Makeover On Our Show, Mom Gets an Incredible "Re" Makeover

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If you're a longtime fan of our show, you may recognize this viewer named Shannon. She was on our show nine years ago for a makeover—and now, she's back for another! Although she loved her first makeover, she found it tough to keep up with the short hairstyle while caring for her young daughter over the years—so it grew out again. But now, her daughter is 13 years old, and even she can't wait for her mom to get another chance at a makeover

"You don't realize how old you look until one day you're looking in the mirror and you see this really old lady and you wonder: where did I go? what happened to me?. My husband and my daughter both are very excited about me getting this makeover—a second opportunity and I'm extremely excited. I'm going to be a whole new me is what I'm really looking forward to," says Shannon.  

For this special job, we brought back original "Queer Eye" grooming expert Kyan Douglas who actually gave Shannon her original makeover nine years ago. (And spoiler alert—he announced that this will be his last TV appearance, after appearing on our show 115 times!) 

"The fun thing about this for me is I've been able to learn a little bit about her now. So, the makeover that we gave her 10 years ago was current at that time, but I know she's going to wear bangs, her hair is straight, and so I was able to do something that's going to be much easier for her to maintain," says Kyan. "My friends at Cutler Salon, Mike and Jordan were a big help on hair color and cut."  

As for the big reveal, it was just as good as it was nine years ago.  

"I love the style, I love the color," says Shannon. "It's something that I can grow into. I needed a refresh and Kyan, Mike and Jordan gave that to me," she says.   

"It was a challenge. Bangs nowadays are more long, curtain bangs, so we're transitioning her out of three-inch bangs into curtain bangs. And they will grow in as she grows it out. As these bangs grow out, and her hair gets longer, what I've advised her is to keep up the curtain bangs, and probably stop the length right around [her collarbone]," Kyan explains.  

"My daughter, Brianna, was always asking if I'd ever go back [for another makeover], and I always said, 'That's a once in a lifetime opportunity,' and here I am," says Shannon. And now, she's an extended part of the show fam!