A Beauty Extraordinaire On The Right Way To Apply Concealer To Look Less Tired

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We've all had those days when we hear the dreaded "you look so tired today" from friends, family or co-workers.

(Whyyy do they have to say that, though? Rach is with us on that!)

Well, Cassie, a mom of three and kindergarten teacher, has been there, too — and she says even when she tries to conceal how tired she feels, she still gets the comments.

Luckily, makeup artist and founder of Mally Beauty, Mally Roncal, has a way to ward them off.

"Concealer is definitely your friend, but the secret is that you don't want to just put it around your eyes," Mally says.

We're listening ...

"You get that kind of reverse panda look and I think [people] realize that you're trying to conceal being tired."

So, Mally suggests you dot some concealer under the eyes, underneath the brow, in between the eyebrows and the corners of the mouth. (Yes, you read that last part right!)

"The reason for that is that you get a brightening of the entire face," Mally says.

Blend the concealer with your fingers and presto, bright and awake!

Check out her trick in the video above.