Beth Stern Is Back With Adorable Kitties To Tease Kitten Bowl 2019

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Beth Stern is back in the studio to give us the scoop on The Hallmark Channel's Kitten Bowl 2019, and she brought three adorable rescue kittens with her.

And guess what, they're all ready for adoption through the North Shore Animal League America.

Go ahead and fall in love with them yourself. (Beth appropriately named two of them Rach and Johnny!)

Beth and her husband Howard Stern work with North Shore Animal League America, an organization that Rach also stands behind. In fact, Rach's pet food line, Nutrish, has given over 30 million dollars to animal rescue and its largest partner is North Shore Animal League America.

"I think they are the greatest people on the frontlines of every big rescue, after every major disaster," Rach says.

It's no surprise that Beth is hosting The Kitten Bowl (airing this Sunday, Feb 3 at 2 p.m. E.T. on The Hallmark Channel), because she and Howard have fostered over 900 kittens in the past five and a half years. How amazing!

(Makes sense that the couple's ideal night is "just at home with a glass of wine and all of our cats around us.")

Just like us, Beth is super excited for this year's event —so much so that she revealed their special halftime show!

"We have a puppy marching band at halftime," Beth reveals. "Could not be cuter!"

And that's not all!

While everyone loves a kitten, Beth reminds us that we can't forget their older furry friends.

"In addition to the Kitten Bowl this year, we are doing the first-ever Hallmark Channel Cat Bowl and we are really showcasing the senior cats that are available for adoption," Beth explains. You can catch the Cat Bowl on Saturday, February 3rd, at 10pm E.T..

The Kitten Bowl is also responsible for "Kitten Bowl Parties" around the country. "As a result of these Kitten Bowl parties on that day, over 25,000 cats and kittens have been adopted since Hallmark started," Beth says.

He think that's wonderful and so do we!

If you want information about any of the many cats available at North Shore Animal League America, click here to be taken directly to their website.