Debra Messing Spills On Slew Of Season 2 "Will & Grace" Guest Stars (including her love interest)

Celebs - By on

The "Will & Grace" reboot is already in its second season, and it just keeps getting better and better.

For starters, *everyone* seems to be finding love.

"I love how everyone on 'Will & Grace' right now is hooking up," Rach jokes with one of the show's biggest stars, Debra Messing. "Everyone is getting some."

"Finally!" Debra chimes in.


For her, that means a love interest played by David Schwimmer (YES, Ross from "Friends"!)

"You make a cute fake couple," Rach says. (We agree — look at those smiles!)

And the famous faces don't stop there. Alec Baldwin and Matt Bomer (spoiler: a love interest for Will!) make appearances, too.

"It's kind of freaky," Debra says of how handsome Matt is. (Rach 100% agrees!)

Now, no Debra Messing visit is complete without a little bit of friendly competition between her and Rach. So, in honor of their 50th birthdays this year, they both smashed piñatas together — and the piñatas were holding a special prize for half of the studio audience. (Rach and Debra were playing for opposite sides, naturally!)

There *was* a winner (see who it was in the video below!) — but rest assured the *entire* audience went home with a $100 Dune Jewelry Voucher, because that's just how we roll.