Does Garlic Ward Off Mosquitoes? A Family Physician Sets The Record Straight

Healthy Living - By on

Most of us won't ever complain about warm weather in the summer, but we will complain about mosquitoes. (No thanks!)

When it comes to warding them off, there are all sorts of myths out there — so we called in family physician and associate professor at Rowan University in New Jersey, Dr. Jen Caudle, to weigh in on a biggie.

Can garlic actually keep mosquitoes away?

Her answer? Nope! (Rach had a feeling considering she always smells like garlic and always gets bitten by mosquitoes.)

Instead, the physician suggests getting an EPA-regulated mosquito repellant with DEET or another active ingredient, which you can find at the drugstore, she says.

"A lot of mosquitoes can carry diseases these days," Dr. Jen advises, "so you want to be really careful." 

Just remember to read the instructions on the repellant you purchase, the doc reminds us, as it should tell you whether you should apply it before or after sunscreen (which is ALSO super important).

And don't worry, garlic, we still love putting you in our food! ? (Garlic cupcakes, anyone?!)