GENIUS Tip for Moms With Resume Gaps From "Shark" Barbara Corcoran

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Leaving a job to take care of children shouldn't be seen as an empty gap in your resume since we all know it's far from a break. During the pandemic, our viewer Ashley left her job as a physician's assistant to care for her three children under six years old—and while doing so, she also created an Instagram focused on women's advocacy and built up an impressive following. "Shark Tank's" Barbara Corcoran shares some of her business-minded wisdom with Ashley and, as far as how to update your resume and address those gaps when planning to get back into the workforce.    

"As far as your children and why you left [your previous job], you should not be afraid of that—put it front and center on your resume as a last job position. Say something like: 'I cared for three children under six during the pandemic.' Employers today are a lot more understanding, so they're not going to hold that against you," says Barbara.  

When it comes to taking advantage of social media, while taking care of your kids—Barbara says that's a "magic ticket." "You're able to build a big social media following, which people can't do easily. You should think of yourself as a content creator. A content creator is the best paid person in any kind of business today when you're entering the workforce. There's a shortage of talent and every business is willing to pay for it and every business needs it. So, you should put your Instagram work front and center on your resume like it's an official job, because it was. You built your own business from scratch in an area that very few people can do," she explains.  

To Narrow Down Where To Apply  

"As far as where you want to work, make a list of your top 10 dream companies—in whatever field you want. And if they have a position open, and they don't have a content creator position open, write to them and let them know that you adore them and you really want to work for them," says Barbara. All it takes is a little persistence.