Gretta Monahan Asks the Uncle Who Raised Her to Adopt Her in Emotional Moment

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If you've been watching our show over the years, you've gotten to know our good friend, Gretta Monahan, pretty well.

You know that she's a style and beauty expert, plus an incredible businesswoman, with spas and stores to her name. But you probably also know a bit about her personal life, too, like her fight against breast cancer and her journey to build her own family.

And a very important part of that family? Her beloved uncle, Eddie.

When Gretta was a child, her parents were unable to care for her. Her mother was diagnosed with schizophrenia in her early 20s, while her father suffered from alcoholism. But thankfully, her family members—first her grandparents, and then, her Aunt Kathy and Uncle Eddie—stepped up and helped.

Not only did her aunt and uncle give her a home—and thus, Gretta says, a sense of protection and worth—but Uncle Eddie invited Gretta to work with him in his barbershop, too, which set her on a path that led to her career today.

And so, at long last, Gretta would like to make something official: Her status as Uncle Eddie's daughter. Which is why—grab your tissues!—this Christmas, she's presenting him with adoption papers.

And she’s sharing the exact moment with us.

"I wanted to honor Eddie and all that he’s done for me in a way that firmly sets it as the history of our family and our family legacy," says Gretta. "He did all the duties of a father, so I wanted to celebrate and honor him with the title he deserves! I'm proud of my story and my family, and I want it on the books. The truth is that he's been my father, so why not make it official?"

Hear Gretta and Eddie's incredible story—and watch the incredibly emotional moment she presents him with the papers—in the video above.