How To Train Your Dog To Stop Jumping On Your Furniture

Animals - By on

It's hard to resist sweet cuddles from your precious pup, but we get it, sometimes you want to keep certain places in your home off-limits — like a brand-new couch. 

So how do you keep a furry couch potato from taking up residence on your off-limit furniture? Aluminum foil, celebrity dog trainer and author of Lucky Dog Lessons, Brandon McMillan, says.

"Dogs don't like very unorthodox things," Brandon explains. "The second her paws hit [the aluminum foil], it's going to make [a] noise, and she gets off right away." 

Two to three weeks later, your pooch should be conditioned not to jump on the couch anymore — so you can say goodbye to the aluminum foil! (Unless, of course, it goes with your décor. ?)

"Anyone can do this," the pro dog trainer says. "It's very cheap. It's very easy," 

BUT, there's a but! Brandon only recommends this trick for dogs that are past the chewing stage.