Is This Liquid Adhesive Really Better Than Painter's Tape for Getting Crisp Lines?

Home & DIY - By on

Frills and Drills blogger Lindsay Dean has been DIY-ing for a whopping eleven years! But she didn't make it her full-time hobby until four years ago, when she gave birth to her first child and decided to leave finance to become a stay-at-home mom. 

"DIY projects became that outlet for me to have something for me," she explains. "[It] now totally fulfills me to where I'm happy and can be the best mom to my kids."

Not to mention, she's killing it online. Her Instagram page, @frills_and_drills, is 657,000 followers strong! 

So naturally we thought, who better to ask to test-drive a DIY product we've been very curious about?

Product: Masking Liquid H2O

Claims to be a quick and cost-effective way to mask off sash and trim while painting, as it adheres to wood and peels from glass.

This way, you can theoretically get those nice, crisp lines we all crave, right?

But did it work? Watch the video above to see it in action and get Lindsay's honest review.