The Legendary Peter Frampton on Friendship with David Bowie + Finding Lost Guitar After 30 Years

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Sure, Peter Frampton is a rock legend, a guitarist whose audience spans generations and one of the world's most loved musicians of all times. But did you know he also goes way back (we're talking bring your bologna sandwich to school in a paper bag, back) with other rock royalty?   

In his memoir, Do You Feel Like I Do?, Peter talks about many of his most memorable stories from life as a star (and before!), including his adolescent friendship with David Bowie. In fact, Peter's father was Bowie's art teacher! Their friendship flourished and quite some time after lunchtime jam sessions, Bowie became Humble Pie's special guest on the "Changes" 1969 tour.  

However, it wasn't all a bed of roses. Peter also tells Rach about the loss of his treasured Les Paul guitar in a fiery plane crash. Of course, he never expected to see it again. Then, three decades later, he got an email from a Dutch guitar fan who had, through a series of events, come into possession of his treasured guitar (now known as "The Phoenix," as it truly rose from the ashes). Five thousand dollars later, the guitar was Peter's again.

Peter isn't only a fan of giving music, he's also a fan of giving back. He's partnering with online musical instrument marketplace Reverb for his own online shop that will include guitars, effects pedals and amps used on his albums and tours. Some of the proceeds from the shop, which went live October 13, will go to the Peter Frampton Myositis Research Fund at Johns Hopkins. And that's just music to our ears.