The Trick to Picking a Really Spicy (or Less Spicy) Jalapeño Pepper

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In honor of our very own studio farmstand, we got some awesome tips from farmer fans around the country!

Kelly joined us from her family’s jalapeño farm in Columbus, Nebraska, to share two important tips for picking the best pepper for you:

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Check the Size

The bigger the jalapeño, the spicier it is! If you're looking for a little kick, go with a small pepper. For a big bang of heat, go big!

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Check the Texture

Heat cracks develop as peppers age and get spicier. So, if you see a jalapeño with a bunch of stripes, beware, it'll give some serious heat!

And, a tip from Rach: if you're looking for less heat from your pepper, remove the seeds and pith and ALWAYS wash your knife, hands and cutting board afterwards!

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