This Couple Spent $2,000 On Their Wedding — Here's How They Did It

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Your wedding is your special day, but contrary to popular belief, it doesn't have to be the most expensive. North Carolina newlyweds Jenny and Rob only spent $2,000 on their dream wedding, and they're sharing their money-saving hacks that will make sure you're cutting costs (not just the cake!).

1. When It Comes To The Dress, Think Outside of the Box

For their wedding, the couple figured out their top priorities and Jenny's top priority was "to feel like a bride." But searching for "wedding dresses" in particular came with a high price tag. So Jenny stepped outside of the box and searched for "bridesmaids dresses" and "mother-of-the-bride dresses" until she found a perfect white gown at a lower cost.

2. Think About Nontraditional Venues

It's no surprise that the cost of a wedding venue can put you in the red. Our newlyweds saved by having their wedding in their own backyard. While this might not work for everyone, especially urban dwellers, researching and working with a non-traditional wedding venue can help you save, save, save.

And trust us, we've had a wedding in the studio so, we know something about alternative wedding venues!

3. A Simple Wedding Favor Can Go A Long Way

Everyone loves a little caffeine, so it's no surprise that the couple had a coffee bar at their wedding. "I ordered these mugs online that I had designed a logo for specifically for our wedding day and it doubled as our wedding favor," Jenny says.

Trying to get as many uses out of different items, like your wedding favors, is a hack we can get behind!

4. DIY a Dance Floor

Jenny and Rob used a beautiful carpet, tree logs and candles to make a dance floor for less than $100, showing that a dance floor can appear anywhere if you just get a little creative! You can also make your own citronella candles if you really want to get artsy.

5. Trust Your Vision

"What some people think is tacky, we think is resourceful," Jenny notes. In order to make their dream of a family-style dinner come true, Rob and Jenny had to create a table of their own. They made a long table out of plywood and cinder blocks. Their guests dined al fresco while sitting on pillows. Although people were concerned, Jenny knew this hack would work. "Trust your vision," Jenny says. And if you need suggestions for family-style recipes, we've got you covered.

"Don't spend all your money on things you don't prioritize, no one's going to remember how fancy your plates are, no one is going to care about that,” Jenny says.

"I think you'll find that a lot of people, honestly, are relieved to not have to go through all the pomp and ceremony of the average wedding," Rob says. "Be you and do what you want to do with it."

See the couple's hacks in action in the video above!