This Southern Chef Lost Over 65 Pounds + Shares Her Top Tips for Food Lovers Trying to Drop Pounds

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As you can probably imagine, it can be especially difficult to try to lose weight as a food-lover. The idea of having to give up the foods that we all love so much just to drop a few pounds sounds absolutely torturous. So, what if you didn't have to stop eating the foods you love to lose weight?  

Chef Virginia Willis, who is a big foodie, lost over 65 pounds without giving up the foods she loves—and she's sharing her tips, so that you can do the same.  

1. Hold Yourself Accountable  

"The first step for me in losing weight was to start being accountable for what I was eating. Everything from measuring my food to weighing my food, it might seem like it would be tedious or overwhelming, but really it's part of it. That accountability helps to keep me on track and it's become my habit now. And that way, I know exactly what I'm eating," says Chef Virginia.  

2. Use Ice Cream Scoops for Portion Control  

"I probably have 3 or 4 ice cream scoops to use in the kitchen at all times. They help me stay on track with portion control," Chef Virginia explains.  

3. Put Your Oil in a Squirt Bottle, Instead of Free Pouring 

"Free pouring oil can add tons of fat and calories. Instead, I use a squirt bottle. I know that three squirts of my particular spirt bottle is a half a teaspoon of oil. This simple trick helps me with portion control and accountability," she says.  

4. Eat Two Fruits and/or Vegetables in Every Meal 

"So, when I have a bowl of cereal in the morning, I usually put an apple and a banana in there. I also might sprinkle it with some chia seeds and have some almonds. I make sure each of my meals is nutritionally dense, filling and good for me," Chef Virginia shares.  

"With a stir-fry, I put the vegetables and lean protein on the bottom and then I put a little bit of rice on top, so I get the rice with the stir-fry, but it's not as much," she adds.   

"If a post-menapausal, French-trained, Southern chef can lose 65 pounds and keep it off, then that means you can too," says Chef Virginia.