Top Dermatologist Shares Products She Uses On Her Hair & Skin That Work Their Magic While You Sleep

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Dr. Shereene Idriss, a NYC-based cosmetic dermatologist, also known as the "Pillow Talk Derm" for her after-hours dermatology advice shared on social media, walks us through her nighttime skincare routine—plus all the products she loves. Not only are many of these products budget-friendly, but they're also incredibly effective to improve your skin and hair, Dr. Shereene says.  

We're calling this routine the "One-Night Stand" because yes, you love them, but you leave them. (Plus, fun fact—Dr. Shereene has a podcast called One-Night Stand.) The beauty of it is you can leave the products on overnight and you'll love the ways they help improve your skin and hair. Plus, you don't have to keep this routine up every single night—this is one you can do on occasion and come back to it when you need it—to reap all the benefits.  

1. To Get Rid of Pimples... 

Use: Acne Pimple Patch  

COSRX Acne Master Pimple Patch


Nobody likes spotting a pimple that popped up out of nowhere. To get rid of pimples fast, Dr. Shereene recommends this pimple patch. "These are hydrocolloid patches—an amazing material that not only helps suck discharge out of an inflammatory pimple, but also allows that pimple to heal in the process," she explains.  

All you have to do is peel them off and stick them directly on the pimple after washing your face or any other nighttime regimens, and leave it overnight. This should be the final step before you go to bed. 

2. To Minimize Redness, Congestion and Allow For Drainage...  

Use: Arni-care  

Boiron Arnicare Roll-on


This cream works wonders for the eyes, according to "The Pillow Talk Derm." "Before going to sleep at night, I will gently warm it up with my finger tips and massage it gently on my [eye]lids, above and below to help minimize the congestion, allow for lymphatic drainage, and to minimize the redness from any sort of inflammation or swelling," she says. "It works like a charm."  

3. To Get That Incredibly Dewy Look... 

Use: La Roche Posse Cicaplast Baume B5 

La Roche-Posay Cicaplast Baume B5 Soothing Therapeutic Multi Purpose Cream


Need to prep your skin for a big event coming up—making sure it's the most hydrated it can be, and wrinkle-free? "You use a thick coat [of this moisturizer] all over your face at night. This will allow your face to really regenerate," Dr. Shereene says. "Your skin is going to look amazing the next day."  

4. To Tighten Your Under Eyes and Plump Your Lips... 

Use: Vaseline   



Talk about a two-in-one deal. "Sometimes oldies are goodies," Dr. Shereene says—and we couldn't agree more. "Vaseline is my personal go-to for the under-eyes. And while you're at it, [put] a bit of it on the lips...and get ready to wake up with the smoothest under-eyes as well as lips in the process."  

5. For Incredibly Silky Hair... 

Use: Fekkai Treatment Masque  

Fekkai Treatment Masque


"Don't forget, not only are you giving your skin the love it needs, we also need to give our hair the love it needs," she says. "Once a week you're going to do some TLC treatment. You put [on] a super thick rich conditioning mask, such as this one by Fekkai. It is really beautiful, and if you want a beautiful hair do the next day, you do it overnight." Then, the next morning, take a shower and your hair will as silky as ever.  

6. To Fully Exfoliate The Skin... 

Use: Dr. Dennis Gross Alpha Beta Daily Peel Pads 

Dr. Dennis Gross Alpha Beta Daily Peel Pads


The final step Dr. Shereene likes to take after prepping the hair is an exfoliating acid peel. "Starting with step one, we're going to peel away. Just make sure not to get too close to your eyes because you don't want to irritate your eyes. And just be a little bit gentle when you get to your neck because the neck and chest tend to be a lot more sensitive when it comes to exfoliating acids and retinol."  

Then, let that sit for two minutes and you'll go on to step two. "Just do a gentle wipe down," she explains and you're good to go.