Use Up Leftover Tile With This Mix-and-Match Flooring DIY

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If you're bored of your current flooring and want a beautiful transformation without breaking the bank, look no further than tiles you may already have.

Alison Victoria, host of HGTV'S "Windy City Rehab" shares how you can use leftover tiles to make the floors of your dreams.

Thanks to her awesome job, Allison often has a bunch of leftover tile, so she mixes and matches different types (like marble and ceramic) and different finishes into various artistic patterns.

"You can stack them in so many different ways," Alison says.

See what she means?

Now, if you're not like Alison and don't have a bunch of leftover tiles from "rehab-ing" homes, don't worry! Like Rachael points out, you can buy scraps and discontinued tiles from tile dealers on the cheap.

"You'll get a discount, so even if you're starting from scratch, you can take a mix-and-match approach and save a ton of money," Rach says.