What Does Rachael Feed Her Dog Isaboo?

Animals - By on

Rach hasn't let staying home stop her from answering your questions — and John has gotten in on the fun, too!

Their dog, Isaboo, is also hanging out at home (although Rach says she thinks Isaboo "finds our show incredibly boring; she falls asleep every single episode." ?) Nevertheless, one viewer had a question for Rach about Isaboo.

Q: "Does Isaboo have any favorite recipes that you could share, especially for fur babies with sensitive tummies?"

A: "Isaboo has a sensitive tummy and she is an over 15-year-old fur baby," Rach says. "Isaboo is on a restricted diet. Nutrish — the brand that we created for Isaboo — we made it so that we could put out the highest quality product for every diet of every animal that we would feed… We do make food for animals that are very sensitive. We have many, many different diet plans for everything we could think of."

Rach makes Isaboo special food every day, she says. First she makes couscous, because it's soft on Isaboo's palate. "Then, separately, I poach very lean meat — I trim it myself, chicken, lamb or beef — in bone broth or water with carrot tops, parsley and a bit of mint and low-sodium light salt. I sprinkle that over the top and I cook it very low and slow at just a gentle bubble, I let it cool in its own broth and then I finely chop it, mix it all back in and I add a grated carrot for every pound of protein."

"I combine the two, but I keep them separately in the fridge so the couscous doesn't get too wet. I put a little of the cooking liquid from the protein over the top and gently heat in the microwave."

Talk about dog mom goals! ?