What Is Niacinamide Used For In Skincare Products + How Does It Differ From Vitamin C?

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There are tons of different ingredients you'll find in beauty products aimed at keeping your skin looking young and fresh. Whether it's the best anti-aging ingredients to look for, the benefits of retinol and vitamin C, we've got you covered.

Here, NYC dermatologist Dr. Michelle Henry fills you in on natural ingredients that are becoming more popular in skincare products, including bakuchiol and niacinamide.

Niacinamide is a vitamin B3, and for years it has been overshadowed by vitamin C, the derm says. Like vitamin C, vitamin B3 is an antioxidant. 

"It smoothes the skin, it improves elasticity, it gets rid of dark spots, it fights free radicals," she says, "but what I love about it is that it's really anti-inflammatory. So if you're sensitive, it's for you. If you're acne prone, it's for you."