You Won’t Believe the Hilarious Way Judge DiMango Asked Defendant For Evidence On "Hot Bench"

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Judge Patricia DiMango has dealt with a lot of weird and wonderful cases in her five seasons of hosting "Hot Bench," but it’s not always the litigants who are wacky!

She came on the show to share three of her funniest cases (involving a ghost and a very tiny bathroom!), but we’re laughing out loud the most over the very embarrassing way she once asked a defendant for evidence!

When the man said that he had evidence on his cell phone, Judge DiMango immediately demanded that she see it… But the way she said it implied other, ahem, things.

"Take it out! Take it out and show me!" the judge yelled, before realizing her mistake and covering her face with a brief while she broke out in laughter.

Even Rachael and the audience couldn’t contain themselves – but hey, judges are human, too!