3 NFL Stars Compete In Our Super Bowl Recipe Playoff X

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It’s our 10th annual Super Bowl Recipe Playoff and three NFL players battle it out -- not on the field, but in the kitchen -- to find out once and for all who makes the best game day dish

Surprise judge chef Anne Burrell determined who’s going to score -- here’s the lineup:

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Avery Williamson: Linebacker for Tennessee Titans

Dish: grilled wings with a side of crab guacamole.

Rachael Ray Show

Michael Thomas: Safety for Miami Dolphins
Dish: BBQ pulled chicken

Rachael Ray Show

Buster Skrine: Cornerback for New York Jets
Dish: bison bacon burgers

Hear what Anne had to say about each dish and see who won the championship ring (and who got a cooler full of confetti dumped on their head) in the video above!


Pulled Buffalo Bills Chicken with Cool-Your-Jets Ranch Guacamole

13 Insanely Delicious Chicken Wing Recipes You Can Make at Home

Bacon-Queso Burger