What is the Best Way to Save Leftover Tomato Paste?

Food & Fun - By on

It’s not often that you use your entire can of tomato paste at once -- so what should you do with the leftovers?

Well, don’t throw it away!

Freeze it for later -- with plastic food storage bags!

And yes, we’ve tried the ice cube tray method, but the upside of baggies is that they’re sealed (bye, freezer burn!) and you can label them. PLUS, if you don’t have a massive freezer, plastic bags are easier to stash in tiny spaces!

MAKE THIS: Grant’s Fresh Tomato Sauce

As lifestyle expert Nicole Gibbons demonstrated on our show, just scoop your leftover paste into the baggies with a spoon -- and date and label the bags!

Nicole even goes the extra mile, creating indents in the paste beforehand so it freezes as accessible, individual portions.

See her perfect little frozen portions in the video above!

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