How to Lose Weight by EATING: Delicious Recipes Filled With Metabolism-Boosting Ingredients

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If you're anything like Rach (and us, to be honest!), when you hear the word detox, you may think of unsatisfying diets that make you cranky.

But if you ask weight loss blogger and author of "Lose Weight by Eating," Audrey Johns, she'll tell you otherwise.

"What I mean when I say detox is that I'm going to take all the junk food out of my life," Audrey explains. "I'm going to take out processed food [and] fake sugars, and I'm going to replace it with metabolism-boosting ingredients."

"Your food does the weight-loss work for you," she continues.

And she's not lying!

In fact, she has lost over 150 pounds by eating this way -- AND she's kept it off!

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Luckily for us, Audrey walked the walk when she visited our show and made delicious meals that you may have never otherwise associated with the word detox.

Dig in!

Easy Chicken Cordon Bleu with French Bistro Salad

Rachael Ray Show

"I actually made this at home again for the first time in a couple weeks," Audrey recalls, "and I forgot how good it was!"

(Spoiler: You don't even have to slice open the chicken!)

Overloaded Baked Potato

Rachael Ray Show

"It's packed full of so many metabolism-boosting ingredients that you're just going to drop the weight real quick," Audrey says.

(Hint: Ditch the sour cream for Greek yogurt on top!)