3 Surprising Ways to Change Unhealthy Snacking Habits at Work

Life - By on

by Lisa Lozano

Dr. Ian Smith is visiting us again, and this time he’s sharing three ways that you can make healthier snacking choices at work.

No. 1: Clear the Clutter

Dr. Ian shares, “Studies have shown that people who are more organized actually will choose healthier snacks than someone who is in a cluttered space.” Set time aside every so often to clean your desk, and to avoid having papers all over your desk, set up an inbox where you can put items temporarily until they get dealt with or filed away.

No. 2: Do Exercises at Your Desk

Dr. Ian demonstrates two exercises you can do at your desk – toe lifts and chair dips.

No. 3: Change Your Snacking Habits

Dr. Ian recommends that you avoid snacking at your desk so that you don’t end up “mindless eating” and also says to avoid keeping unhealthy foods within arm’s reach. He also recommends eating crunchy foods like carrot and celery sticks and cucumber, because studies have shown that crunchy foods suppress the appetite.

What is your problem area when it comes to snacking at work?