4 DIY Beauty Treatments You Can Make with Ingredients You Already Have

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Who says you have to spend boatloads of cash on expensive beauty treatments? Our viewers are here to show you DIY products you can make at home for pennies, and you probably already have all the ingredients you need!

No. 1: DIY Pimple Treatment

If you wake up with a pimple and don’t want it to interfere with your life, our first viewer recommends dissolving ibuprofen in water, then applying directly to the pimple, leaving for 20 minutes, then washing off. She says this will reduce the swelling.

No. 2: DIY Coffee Coconut Scrub

Another viewer says this tip helps with fine lines. Mix coconut oil and ground coffee to make a simple exfoliating and moisturizing scrub.

No. 3: DIY Moisturizing Hair Mask

This viewer makes a mask for her hair with egg, coconut oil, apple cider vinegar and honey. She leaves it on for 20 minutes once a month, and she says it makes her hair look great!

No. 4: DIY Soothing Body Spray

Mix coconut oil and white vinegar and put it in a spray bottle, then spray it on cracked feet or sunburn.

What’s your biggest beauty challenge? Share below!