Meet a Couple Who Went from 0 Kids to 4 In 24 Hours

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High school sweethearts Kaley and Jeremy Carling of Farmington, Utah were devastated to learn they wouldn’t be able to have biological children, and things didn’t get any easier when they suffered through two failed adoptions.

“It was heartbreaking,” Jeremy said of the failed adoptions.

But that all changed one fateful day in August of 2015, when they learned of two foster sisters who needed a home. That same day, a pregnant mom contacted them, wanting them to adopt her twin daughters.

All four girls became permanent members of their family, and their adoptions were all finalized within 24 hours last October.

MUST SEE: Emotional Reunion: Mother Meets Daughter She Placed for Adoption 37 Years Ago

Like many parents, they faced the financial realities that come with children, but times four and all at once! The couple, who went down to one income after welcoming their four beautiful girls, ended accruing $20,000 in debt and started a GoFundMe account to help bridge the gap. They’re also going through a gallon of milk and 25 diapers each day, so the expenses are still coming in.

Rach had a major announcement for them, though: US Bank generously contributed a check for $15,000 to help them hit their GoFundMe goal! Watch to see their emotional reactions, and to see their toddlers exploring Rach’s soundstage -- it’s seriously adorable.