This Easy Trick for Chilling Wine (or Champagne) in SIX MINUTES Will Change Your Life

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So, guests are arriving in less than 10 minutes and you’re sure you’ve done everything -- until you realize you forgot to chill your white wine.

We’ve all been there -- including professional chefs like Jeff Mauro and Rach herself!

And that’s why we LOVE this 6-minute wine-chilling trick (and our viewers love it, too!).

All you have to do is combine ice water and salt in a wine bucket (or a big ol’ bowl!) and let your bottle of wine swim in it for about six minutes.

"Salt makes the ice melt at a lower temperature," Rach says. "Lower means it melts slower."

Plus, did we forget to mention that you can pull this off with champagne, too?! After all, putting champagne in the freezer is NOT a good idea, chef David Burtka warns.

"It kills the bubbles," he says.

Who knew?!