Stacy London's Viewer 'Make-Under'

Beauty & Style - By on

Stacy London is helping one viewer bring her sexy back with an incredible "make-under" you have to see! But first, she’s dishing about her new TLC show ‘Love, Lust or Run.’ “We show pictures of these women to the general public to get their overall idea and response to what they see in front of them which is a very extreme look. And, then we play some of that feedback for these women because they’re young; mostly young. They’re starting out their lives and they’re doing very extreme looks. And I think that there’s a disconnect between what they think they’re putting out into the world and the way people are receiving their message,” explains Stacy. “I just want women to succeed in these programs; I want them to feel great!”

Then, below, all of Stacy's hard work pays off, after the make-under results are revealed!