3 Brilliant Ways to Fix Even Your Worst Hair Color Disaster

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Pretty much everyone has been there at some point – you go to the salon to get your hair colored (or maybe try it at home) and the result is nowhere near what you were hoping for. Our viewer Ada had this exact same experience, and ended up with blue hair!

Our beauty expert Gretta Monahan stepped in to save the day, giving Ada a chic new look and sharing advice for how you can fix your own hair color disasters (with the help of a professional, of course).

Step 1: Cut Your Hair

If your hair has been damaged by a color disaster, you will likely have to cut it in order to see an improvement.

Step 2: To Match Your Natural Hair Color, Mix Light and Dark

Ada wanted her hair to look natural as it grew out, so Gretta recommended a mix of light and dark shades.

Step 3: Choose a Stylist Who Specializes in Major Color Change

If you know that you want to make a drastic change to your hair color, research and seek out a colorist who specializes in that. In fact, Gretta recommends finding someone who does “corrective color.”

Watch the video below to see Ada’s amazing reveal!