The Coolest New Beauty Trends We Saw This Year

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Whether it’s cellulite, crow’s feet, saggy knees, age spots, a double chin or thinning eyebrows… there’s a new hi-tech treatment out there claiming to fix it.

Here are the most interesting ones that came across our desks this year.

No. 1: A Mirror That Analyzes Your Skin + Recommends a Treatment Plan

Makers of this “smart mirror” (called the HiMirror) claim it can detect your skin issues by analyzing pores, dark spots, fine lines, wrinkles and overall complexion, then recommend treatment options.

Watch the video above to see our audience member Valerie try it out on stage.

Price: Approximately $200

No. 2: An LED Bed to Heal Skin

“This is really the most cutting-edge way to rejuvenate the skin by harnessing the power of light energy,” says Dr. Bowe of the futuristic-looking Lightstim Professional LED Bed by Dangene.

Dr. Bowe explains, “LED stands for light emitting diode. LED is a form of light energy that was actually initially studied by NASA to help astronauts … heal their wounds [in outer space]. ... It triggers collagen production, it improves circulation, it decreases inflammation and it helps with wound healing.”

Price: $300 for a 40 minute treatment

No. 3: A Smart ‘Sweat Patch’

“This product is so new, it’s not even available on the market yet,” says Dr. Bowe of this gadget, which was developed by researchers at Northwestern University.

The patch can be worn just about anywhere on the body, and Dr. Bowe explains, “It analyzes your sweat to tell you about your health.

“Your sweat can tell you a ton,” she says. Dr. Bowe predicts, “It will probably be used by diabetics to monitor their glucose, no needle needed, which is amazing.”

Price: N/A (not available yet)

No. 4: Magnetic Pods for Reducing Crow’s Feet

Can you eliminate your crow’s feet -- with magnets!?! This wearable device, WrinkleMD, claims to use pods to deliver anti-aging ingredients into the skin to help smooth out wrinkles. Dr. Whitney Bowe explains that the Activator Pod contains a Microprocessor and Battery, which uses microcurrents to push hyaluronic acid into the skin and simultaneously smooth.

Price: $199 for one month supply plus Magnetic Pod with Activator Pod and 1 oz. Youth Serum. For optimal results, the manufacturer recommends three months of continuous use (Results may vary).


No. 5: Radiofrequency for Saggy Knees

No matter how thin you are, saggy knees can be a problem. Can radiofrequency be the answer? Dr. Bowe recommends a device called Thermage. She explains that the pain-free procedure delivers radiofrequency energy: “It creates a bulk heating effect and that triggers collagen to form over the next three to six months.”

Price: Between $1,000 and $5,000 depending on the size of body area being treated.

*Dr. Bowe says there’s little to no downtime, but patients might be a little pink afterwards. Radiofrequency skin treatments are relatively new and additional risks may be discovered.


No. 6: Semi-Permanent Brow Tattoos, or Microblading

Could this tattoo treatment, called “microblading,” be a miracle solution for thinning eyebrows? “It’s basically a temporary semi-permanent tattoo that creates this very cool 3D effect on the eyebrow,” says Dr. Bowe. The pigment is placed higher in the skin than with a regular tattoo, which means that it won’t create a permanent effect, and you’ll have the opportunity to update your eyebrows every year or two as trends evolve and the tattoos fade.

Price: $700-$900, maintain every year.


No. 7: An Injection for Your Double Chin

Dr. Bowe introduced us to an injection called Kybella that claims to reduce the fat under your chin. Dr. Bowe explains, “If you inject it underneath the chin, it dissolves the fat. In only two to four 10-minute treatments, your chin fat can be gone forever!” But does it hurt? Our audience member Carla, who was numbed a little before receiving her second dose of Kybella on-stage, said, “It doesn’t. It feels like a little pinch but nothing serious.”

Price: $1,200-$1,600 per treatment. Dr Whitney says each person will need a different number of treatments, but typically it’s between 2-4.

*According to Dr. Bowe, swelling occurs after the procedure and can happen for a couple of days. Dr. Bowe says it’s the worst the first time and gets better each subsequent treatment. Side effects are usually temporary but possible risks include: nerve injury in the jaw, difficulty swallowing, areas of hardening, numbing, bruising and pain.


No. 8: Surgery-Free Liposuction

Want to reduce your jiggles without surgery? Dr. Bowe says that you won’t get the same results from in-office procedure ThermiSmooth as you would with surgery, but you should see some improvement. “With these non-surgical tightening procedures, it’s more like you’re getting to second base [than hitting a home run],” she explains. “So if you’re okay with a 5 out of 10, this comes with a lot of perks because it’s a lot easier to go through.”

Price: $600/per procedure about $2-$3k total.

Risks: Not for pregnant women, or for those who have a pacemaker or other implantable device. Radiofrequency skin treatments are relatively new and additional risks may be discovered.


No. 9: A Magnetic Mask

This is pretty wild! Dr. Brandt’s MAGNETIGHT Age-Defier™ Mask claims to help draw toxins out of the skin with iron-magnetic particles. The product comes with a magnet, and when you apply it, the mask will pull right off your face. “It leaves a little soft oil on the skin that you massage in. This literally feels like you sat in an hour facial in the spa,” beauty pro Gretta Monahan says. “Your skin looks amazing, recharged and it’s incredible!”

Price: $75


No. 10: A Laser for Underarm Hair AND Sweating

Does never having to wear deodorant or shave your armpits again sound like a fantasy? It’s now a reality, according to Dr. Bowe, with a device called miraSmooth. Bowe says, “This is the only FDA-approved procedure that can permanently reduce sweat and hair.”

Price: $2,000

*Patients can go back to normal activities the next day but should avoid anything strenuous for a couple of days, according to Dr. Bowe. Check with your practitioner for a full list of risks, but possible side effects include numbness, altered sweating elsewhere on the body and decreased strength in the arm or fingers.


No. 11: Caffeinated Pants for Cellulite

You’ve been drinking your caffeine, but maybe you should be wearing it! If you have cellulite due to a lack of exercise, Dr. Bowe says you might want to try these pants made with special fabric infused with cellulite-busting ingredients like caffeine, retinol and vitamin E. They claim to smooth lumps and bumps if you wear them for 8 hours a day for eight weeks. . (Of course, more exercise will also help firm your body and reduce the look of cellulite, says Dr. Bowe).

Price: Approx. $45


Of course, always check with your practitioner before undergoing any procedure.