How to DIY This Expensive-Looking Blush Ombre Floating Shelf Wall For Only $50!

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A blank canvas can be both exciting and overwhelming -- and that goes for a blank wall in your home, too!

So when a viewer asked us for suggestions on how to fill hers, we turned to our buddy and interior designer from TLC's "Trading Spaces" reboot Genevieve Gorder -- and she showed us how to make a blush (because it’s *so* in right now) ombre floating shelving wall!

First, draw a circle on your wall -- using a thumbtack, pencil and and string for guidance.

(Isn't that a cool trick?! Watch Genevieve demonstrate in the video above.)

Then, paint the circle in ombre fashion -- separating the segments where the shelves will go with tape. Once the paint dries, remove the tape.

As far as picking your three main colors, Genevieve highly suggests sticking to a paint strip from the home improvement store, so that your design ombres *perfectly.*

You know what we're talking about, right? These guys:

Rachael Ray Show

"All your colors are right there on that one piece of paper," the interior designer explains of a paint strip. "Do not stray!"

And don't waste money on big cans of each color, either! Genevieve recommends buying the tiny quarts of each color in your ombre rainbow.

Paint the shelves accordingly to match the wall, hang them once they’re dry and then enjoy the best part of the whole project -- styling!

To make the space look decorative and pretty -- rather than crowded and messy -- Genevieve suggests dressing it up with little succulent plants, coffee table books and small decorative sculptures of your choosing.

And that's all there is to it!