6 Ways to Get Fit by Changing Your Environment

Healthy Living - By on

by Lisa Lozano

Do you find yourself stuck in a cycle of “slip, shame and binge,” as The Biggest Loser trainer Bob Harper puts it? Well, that’s about to change because Bob is sharing some simple, practical tips for setting up your life in a way that supports a healthy lifestyle.

No. 1: Make a plan

Break down all the steps you need to follow in order to achieve your goal. If you want to follow a low-carb diet, add one vegetable to every meal and make sure you grocery shop for veggies so that they’re there when you need them.

No. 2: Make easy substitutes

One example is that you can substitute Greek yogurt for mayo in salad dressing, but there are lots of other switches you can make.

No. 3: Surround Yourself with Healthy Options

Make sure you have healthy items around you so that when you get a craving, you are surrounded by good choices. For example, you could put a bowl of apples on your desk at work.

No. 4: Reward Yourself by Checking Accomplishments Off Your List

Give yourself tangible proof that you are achieving your goal, like putting a calendar on your desk and checking off every day that you exercise. Seeing the results in writing will motivate you to stay on track.

No. 5: Collect Menus for Healthy Takeout and Keep Them Close

Whether it’s at home or at work, find out what restaurants nearby serve healthy meals. Collect the menus and keep them handy so that when you don’t feel like cooking, you can still eat healthfully.

No. 6: Keep Your Workout Gear in View

If you keep your workout gear in your line of vision at home or at work, you’ll be reminded to do it. And once you create a habit, you’ll stick with it!

What changes have you made to your environment to support healthy habits?