4 Delicious New Health Food Trends You’ll Want to Gobble Up

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Who says eating healthy has to be boring and flavorless? Dave Zinczenko, author of ‘Zero Belly Diet,’ is here to reveal four trendy products that will get you excited about eating right!

No. 1: Cloud Bread

Dave says this bread is great for those wanting to avoid the “3 Gs – gluten, guilt and a gut.” For a snack, he tops with some hummus, and for a meal, he also adds healthy ingredients like chicken breast, roasted peppers and artichoke hearts. Check out the recipe so that you can make your own Cloud Bread here.

No. 2: Nutritional Yeast

Dave suggest sprinkling some super-healthy nutritional yeast on popcorn or pasta.

No. 3: Super Herbs

Could the next super food actually be an herb? That’s what Dave suggests might happen. He introduces Rach to “adaptogens,” herbs he says can help the body adapt to stress, like Ashwaganda root powder, Ginseng powder and Maca powder. Dave likes to make a smoothie featuring these “super herbs” to “super charge” them.

No. 4: Coffee Flour

Dave says this product, which is made from "coffee cherries," a byproduct of green coffee production, improves upon traditional coffee, since he says roasting kills the antioxidants. He shares chocolate bars that feature coffee flour with our audience!

Which of these foods are you most likely to try? Tell us in the comments!