Spring Clean Your Beauty Routine with 3 Tips

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Spring cleaning doesn’t have to just apply to your home, it can also apply to your body! Dermatologist Dr. Whitney Bowe is here with three tips that can help you change up your beauty routine for spring.

No. 1: The Right Way to Shave Your Legs

First, Dr. Bowe shows you the definitive best way to shave your legs. If you follow her tips, she says you will only have to shave once every 3 to 4 days. Amazing!

Use shave gel, and start by shaving with the grain, in the direction of the hair growth, going down from the knee to the ankle. If you want to get a really close shave, you can do a second pass, going against the grain (upward). Within 5 minutes of getting out of the shower, you want to lock in moisture. Dr. Bowe recommends using simple sunflower oil straight from your kitchen cabinet.

Bonus Tip: Wait a few minutes after you start showering to shave, this way the warm steam will moisturize your skin and hair to warm it up.

No. 2: Why You Should Throw Out Your Loofah

A viewer asked Dr. Bowe about how long you should use a loofah before throwing it out. Dr. Bowe’s response? Get rid of your loofah forever! She says they are a breeding ground for bacteria.

No. 3: How to Combat Dandruff Naturally

Dr. Whitney Bowe says that dandruff is caused by a yeast that feeds on the natural oils in your hair. While she says that most people should try to go two days between shampoos, Dr. Bowe says that if you are prone to dandruff, this doesn’t apply.

For a dandruff treatment, she recommends that one to two times a week, you should use a cheap DIY scrub made from salt and mineral oil before you shampoo. She says if you have the time, try to leave the scrub on for about a minute or two before rinsing it off.

Which tip are you most excited to try? Share below.