Dr. Youn's Anti-Aging Treatments

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From a three minute wrinkle remover to fuller lips in just seconds, Dr. Youn is helping you look younger with fixes you can do at the doc and at home! Check them out below.

A Treatment for Crow’s Feet Wrinkles
Dr. Youn suggests a treatment called “The Naked Botox.” Why is it referred to as “naked” you ask? “Well, it’s not because you have to be nude when you have it done!” jokes Dr. Youn. He explains the reason why in the video above!

A Non-Invasive Procedure to Treat Wrinkles and Puffiness Around the Eyes
Does the thought of needle injections near your eyes make you cringe? Dr. Youn shows off a non-invasive procedure that he says is a good alternative to needle injections.

A Procedure to Help With Visible Sun Damage
Too much sun exposure could cause unsightly spots on the surface of the skin. Dr. Youn is performing a procedure on one of our viewers that he claims uses light to destroy the pigment on those age spots.

How to Use Licorice Extract to Reduce the Appearance of Age Spots
Dr. Youn presents a budget-friendly, natural alternative to reducing the visible signs of sun damage!

A Fix for Aging Lips

As we age, our lips get thinner and dryer – Dr. Youn has a treatment that he says will make your lips look naturally younger.

A DIY Treatment for Plumper Lips You Can Do at Home
Lip injections not your thing? Dr. Youn presents a way you can get plumper lips in the comfort of your own home!