Dr. Ian and Dr. Drew Answer 3 Surprising Sex Questions

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If you’ve ever wanted to ask your doctor a sex question, but were too shy to do it, three viewers are doing it for you! Read on to see how Dr. Ian Smith and Dr. Drew respond!

No. 1: How to Deal with a Crooked "Member"

A woman calls in because her husband had an injury three years ago that left his "member" crooked. Dr. Drew explains that there are a couple treatment options: surgery or an injection into the scar tissue. He says, though, that if the man is not having pain or functionality issues, it might be better to leave it alone, and Dr. Ian concurs. Dr. Ian offers a final tip – if his wife doesn’t like the look of it, turn off the lights!

No. 2: When Too Many Orgasms Leaves You Feeling Tired

One wonders why she feels so tired after climaxing multiple times. Dr. Ian confirms that from a medical standpoint, climaxing can be tiring, and Dr. Drew suggests she should communicate with her partner when she’s had enough orgasms so that she can rest.

No. 3: How to Rekindle Romance When the Kids Leave the Nest

Our next viewer wonders how to reconnect with her husband now that their kids are starting to leave the nest. Dr. Ian and Dr. Drew recommend scheduling time to get out and have fun together, and getting home early enough to continue that fun when they get home.

Were you surprised by any of the advice given? Share below.