Sydney McCoy's Pickled Eggs

Food & Fun - By on
  • Dozen hard-boiled eggs, peeled and washed
  • 16-ounce jar of sliced pickled beets
  • 1 large purple onion, sliced and diced
  • White vinegar

Take eggs out of fridge and let stand on counter for 15 minutes.

Fill a decent sized pot halfway full of water and place on stove.

Gently place eggs in the pot making sure you do not crack them, turn burner on high and bring water to a rolling boil.

Allow to boil for 1 minute, reducing heat to simmer, then cover and simmer for 18 minutes.

Drain eggs in colander, run cool water over and let cool so they can be held. When cool, take shells off and wash.

Get a large glass jar and add eggs. Do not use plastic, as it will stain. Add pickles, onions and cover with white vinegar.

Place in fridge for at least a day to marinate. Gently stir, or turn canister left to right to move marinade around.

 *These are fantastic but beet juice does stain.

 *You can also marinate vegetables such as yellow and green squash, cauliflower, broccoli, onions and asparagus that have been blanched.