Pnina Peled's Mini Stuffed Baked Potatoes

Food & Fun - By on
  • 12 mini red potatoes
  • 1 cup sour cream
  • 1 bunch of broccoli small flowers only, blanched & shocked

Bring the potatoes to a boil until soft. You should be able to insert a fork into one and the potato will easily fall off. Allow them to cool to room temperature.

Cut a small part of the potato to form a base, allowing it to stand in place. Using a melon baller, scoop out a portion of the potatoes. Each potato should have a hole in the center.

Insert the sour cream into a pastry bag fitted with a basic tip. Fill each potato hole with the sour cream. Top with the broccoli flowers and serve.

NOTE: you can stuff these mini potatoes with anything, including chili and melted cheese, broccoli and cheddar, sour cream with bacon and chives.