Pulled Chicken aka Shredded Chicken

Food & Fun - By on

"One of the tricks I do a lot is to start with a whole chicken and poach it," Rach says about getting ahead on weeknight dinners. "You end up with enough meat for two full dinners for up to 4 adults each meal."

  • One 4- to 5-pound chicken
  • Chopped carrots
  • Chopped celery
  • Chopped onion
  • Chopped leeks (optional)
  • 3 to 4 cloves of garlic
  • Kosher salt
  • Peppercorns
  • Fresh herbs
  • Slices of lemon

Put the chicken in a pot, cover with water and add the root vegetables, a couple cloves of garlic, some kosher salt, a few peppercorns and any herbs you like. I usually like to add a few slices of lemon. Bring to a gentle boil and cook the chicken at a low bubble for 1 hour. Turn it off and let it cool completely in its own juice. Strain the stock, reserving all of it. Then pull and shred the chicken meat from the bone, and divide it up.