Laura Prepon Cooks 3 Deliciously Healthy Recipes from Her New Cookbook

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She just won a SAG award last month for her role on Orange is the New Black, but did you know that she could also cook? Laura Prepon is here making two delicious recipes from her new cookbook, The Stash Plan: Your 21-Day Guide to Shed Weight, Feel Great, and Take Charge of Your Health.

No. 1: Garlic-Roasted Beets

These delicious and extremely healthy veggies could not be easier. Laura just dices her beets, tosses them with olive oil, garlic and salt and pepper, and roasts.

No. 2: Gluten-Free Almond Bread

Laura loves to eat this gluten-free homemade bread with avocado slathered on top. Yum!

No. 3: Turmeric Turkey

This delicious and healthy entree starts with ground turkey cooked in bone broth, then Laura adds turmeric, cumin and cayenne pepper. Laura stirs in some freshly chopped cilantro before serving.

For more with Laura, watch the video below to hear her reveal the special seat she gave her SAG award statue at her last dinner party!