Rachael Gets Teary Remembering Her Favorite Childhood Moments with Grandfather

Food & Fun - By on

We frequently let audience members ask Rachael questions between taping segments and learn all kinds of interesting things about Rach that we never knew - but this may be one of our favorite answers so far! Watch the video to see her get emotional as she answers.

Question: Growing up, what was a family staple, what was your favorite meal?

Answer: A typical day hanging with my grandpa and his pals would go like this: “He’d read the scores of the soccer game [in the paper], and he’d fake re-enact the game for his friends, like he was listening to it live. And we would eat sardine sandwiches with lots of onions.”

“His stuffed artichokes were the best in the world. We make them every Christmas and we feel like we’re with him. They look like giant Christmas stars.”

“I wouldn’t want a last meal on earth. But if there is a heaven, the first meal I want is with my first dog Boo and my grandpa. And she would eat butternut squash and we would eat sardines and anchovies.”

Get the recipe for Rach’s grandpa’s stuffed artichokes here.