How To Make Cold Brew Coffee

Food & Fun - By on

Learn how to make homemade cold brew coffee in the comfort of your own home, courtesy of former staffer Grant Melton. Click here for more DIY cold brew tips + tricks.

  • 2 cups dark-roast coffee beans
  • Water

Grind the coffee to a medium grind and place into an 8-cup glass jar. Fill the jar to the top with cold water and place the lid on the jar. Refrigerate for 12 hours.

To strain the coffee, place a ceramic cone filter over top of a pitcher and strain. If you don’t have one, you can place some cheesecloth or paper towels (be careful they don't tear) into a sieve and strain coffee into a bowl.

If the cold brew is too robust, add cold water to taste. Serve over ice, adding cream and sugar to your liking.