Sticky Toffee Sauce | Ryan Scott

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This sticky toffee sauce from chef Ryan Scott is made with date syrup, brown sugar, butter + cream for the ultimate dessert topping.

Ryan uses this sauce to top his Sticky Toffee Pudding Bars, but it's also delicious drizzled over ice cream, fresh fruit or even waffles.

  • 1 cup dark brown sugar
  • 2 tablespoons date syrup (Ryan likes Just Date Syrup)
  • 1 stick unsalted butter
  • ⅔ cup heavy cream
  • ½ tablespoon flaky sea salt (Ryan likes Maldon), for topping (optional)

Melt the brown sugar, date syrup and butter in a pan and bring to a boil slowly, allowing the mixture to dissolve and combine, and boil for 2 minutes. Remove the pan from the heat and slowly add the cream. Return the pan to heat and bring back up to a boil, stirring, and cook for 3 minutes more until the sauce is thick and glossy.