3 Viewer Hacks that Will Amaze You

Life - By on

by Lisa Lozano

Oftentimes some of our favorite tips come from you, our viewers. Today we’re sharing three ingenious hacks from our viewers.

Make a Garment Bag Out of a Pillowcase

Viewer Kelsey from Hanford, CA, shares this tip. Cut a triangle notch out of the closed end of a pillow case, then just slip over an item hanging on a hanger – instant garment bag!

Make Your Own Lemon Ice Cubes

Jean from Tucson, AZ shows you how to make a really refreshing treat to add to your ice water during the hot summer months. Simply put lemon slices in the bottom of a muffin tin, add water, and freeze. Instant lemon cubes!

Quickly and Easily Remove Permanent Market from Dry-Erase Board

This hack is pretty cool. Amy from Long Island, NY reveals that if you accidentally write with a regular marker on a dry erase board, you can just scribble over it with a dry erase marker, then erase with an eraser. Takes it right off. Done!

What’s your favorite household hack?