Avoid a DIY Hair Color Disaster with 4 Simple Tips

Life - By on

by Lisa Lozano

If you love the look of colored hair, but don’t want to shell out for salon prices, celeb stylist Kyan Douglas is offering four simple steps to getting a salon finish at home.

Tip 1: Section Your Hair

Kyan recommends using clips to section your hair into four quandrants. This way, you’re not just getting hair color on the outside of your hair.

Tip 2: Be Deliberate and Methodical When Applying Color

Be meticulous as you color each quadrant, making sure that every strand of hair has been treated.

More: You’ll Never Believe the Transformations of our Best 7 Long Hair Makeovers!

Tip 3: Protect Your Skin

If you don’t want to dye your face as well as your hair, use some conditioner at the hairline along your forehead so that after you’re done coloring your hair, any stray color will just rinse off.

Tip 4: Use Color-Protecting Products for Maintenance

Use a high-quality shampoo and conditioner that are created to protect dyed hair, and choose the product that matches your color.

The next time you color your hair at home, check out these tips and let us know it works out! And watch below to see Kyan fix one viewer’s “kaleidoscope hair.”