John Gidding's Amazingly Creative Solutions to 2 Common Furniture Challenges

Life - By on

by Lisa Lozano

If you’ve ever lived with another human being (and we guess you have) you’ve probably disagreed over a furniture choice. Design expert John Gidding has creative solutions for two family’s biggest challenges.

No. 1: The Couch

First up, a mother and son pair argue over what kind of couch they’d like to have. Mom wants a traditional couch, where guests can sit and chat, while her son would like an L-shaped couch where he and his friends can sprawl and watch the game. John’s solution? A modular couch that can be moved around depending on the occasion.

No. 2: The Table

Two parents-to-be have been dining on his wobbly bistro table that is held down by a bowling ball, but mommy wants a real dining table in time for their baby’s arrival. John offers up a beautiful wood dining table that has a super easy leaf that can be added when company comes. Perfect!

What do you and your family members or roommates argue about when it comes to your furniture? Tell us below.