Insta Inspiration! This Might Be The Key to Weight Loss You've Been Missing

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Meet Marina and Danaka, who have both pulled off astounding weight loss -- using Instagram. Could this popular photo app be the boost you need to get healthy? Here are their stories, top tips and more inspirational accounts to follow.

Marina lost 140 lbs and documented it every step of the way on Instagram by taking side-by-side pics that showcased her major weight loss. The positive feedback was a huge boost, she says, “Instagram ended up playing a huge part in my success, and now I have over 18,000 followers.”

Marina’s Top Tips:

No. 1: Hang a calendar at eye level in your home to record your diet and fitness progress and keep you motivated.

No. 2: If you are craving a cocktail when getting together with friends, fill your cup with ice and put three parts seltzer and a splash of wine to make a low-calorie spritzer.

No. 3: Give $20 to a friend, and for every ten pounds you lose, let them buy you a gift.

Follow her on Instagram here:@poloprincessnyc

Danaka was overweight her whole life, revealing, “I didn’t go after what I wanted out of life because I felt like my weight held me back.” All that changed when she found Marina’s Instagram page and was motivated to lose weight herself. She’s lost 100 pounds, with Marina cheering her on and encouraging to post her own before-and-afters on Instagram.

Danaka’s Top Tips:

No. 1: Buy a new item of clothing in a smaller size (hello, goal dress!) and hang it where you can see it every day to help find motivation to stick to healthy habits.

No. 2: Track, weigh and measure everything that you eat and follow a low-carb, high protein diet. Read your labels so you know what you’re eating.

Follow her on Instagram here: @danakafit

Follow these other accounts for more healthy Instagram inspiration: