These 5 Double-Duty Thanksgiving Tips Are Pretty Amazing TBH

Life - By on

Learn how to repurpose everyday items you probably already have to make this Thanksgiving go off without a hitch.

Make Turkey Baster Pancakes

Brittany from Bowling Green, Kentucky shows you another use for that turkey baster you might only use once per year – repurpose it to make perfectly portioned pancakes!

The Easy Way to Slice Your Strawberries

If you need to slice a bunch of strawberries for a recipe but want to save time, Jessica from Glenview, Illinois has the perfect solution – use a hard-boiled egg slicer!

Turn Sugar Cubes Into Sugar

If you find yourself out of granulated sugar but you need some for a recipe, Kemperlyn from Columbia, SC has a quick fix. If you happen to have sugar cubes in the house, just use a garlic press to mash them back into granulated form.

Turn Apples Into Tealight Holders

For a fresh and festive table setting idea, check out Kathleen’s tip. Just cut a circle out of the top of an apple, and plunk in a battery-powered tealight. Instant autumn ambience!

Use Walnut Shells to Serve Salt and Pepper

If you want your guests to feel truly special, try this tip. Kathleen uses halved walnut shells as little cups to serve individual portions of salt and pepper to each guest.