Avatar's Zoe Saldana

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To play the physically demanding role of "Neytiri" in the worldwide phenomenon *Avatar*, Zoe Saldana took up *wushu* martial arts, archery and horseback riding. But she tells Rachael there was another aspect of her preparation that she got into a little *too* much. "Because I was playing a creature that was conceived from thin air, I had to go through a program of dehumanizing myself," Zoe explains. "Things as simple as nodding or shaking your head to respond to something were things that the Na'vi didn't do - that's human behavior. I remember sitting at the table with my family and if they asked me if I wanted mashed potatoes, I would hiss at them! And they were like, 'OK, she's in Neytiri mode!'" Zoe is now the face of Calvin Klein, and she and *Elle* creative director Joe Zee [show you how your underwear can also be worn as outerwear!](/show/segments/view/underwear-outerwear/)