This Woman Uses Sweet Potato Pie To Start Important Conversations + Build Community

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Rose McGee, founder of Sweet Potato Comfort Pie, uses her Sweet Potato Comfort Pie — what she calls "the sacred dessert of Black culture" — as a catalyst for building community and starting important conversations about racial justice.

"It began when I was watching television and seeing what was happening in Ferguson, Missouri, after the killing of young Michael Brown. And that's when I felt led to do something. This voice said to me, 'Make some pies and take those pies down there.' And that's what I did."

Our friends at Reddi-wip love to make things even sweeter, so they are giving Rose $5,000 — which she couldn't deserve more! 

Rose is part of our "Thanks For Giving" series, highlighting amazing people doing good every day until Thanksgiving. Read more good news stories here.