This Young Cook First Met Rach at 12-Years-Old—And Is Now a College Grad + In Culinary School

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Alessandra Ciuffo was 12 years old the first time she came on our show—and now, over 10 years later, she’s a college grad and starting an exciting new path. Here's what she's up to now.   

"Since I was last on your show, I graduated from Fordham University in May with a degree in business administration, but I couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to throw myself into food full time every day...In October, I began at the Institute of Culinary far I've learned amazing knife skills, culinary techniques, and even herb identification," Alessandra says.  

"I'll graduated from culinary school at the end of June after 6 months of classes and a two month externship," she adds. (Which she hopes is in Italy!)